“Everybody needs beauty...places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.”
~ John Muir
~ John Muir
What's the Focus
Muir has been called the "patron saint of the American wilderness". The son of a strict Scottish Presbyterian, John Muir had memorized 3/4 of the Bible by age 14. Muir believed that to discover truth, he must turn to what he believed were the most accurate sources, thus leading him to the Book of Nature. Muir saw nature as a great teacher, "revealing the mind of God". During his lifetime John Muir published over 300 articles and 12 books. He co-founded the Sierra Club, which helped establish a number of national parks. Creation care and the careful stewardship of our environment are an important aspect of the renewal of all things. This is a pilgrimage in the Yosemite Valley where we look at the story of John Muir and the story of our Creator. |